Cultivation [ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃən]
a. the planting, tending, improving, or harvesting of crops or plants
b. the preparation of ground to promote their growth
2. development, esp through education, training, etc.
3. culture or sophistication, esp social refinement
1. A place where one lives; a residence.
2. The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment.
3. A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.
a. An environment offering security and happiness.
b. A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.
These definitions pretty much sum up my goals for this blog. It has been a year since my husband, Jake, and I put an offer in on our home. Since we moved in at the beginning of 2012 we have been learning lots about the nuances of being a home owner. And its awesome! We have big plans for cultivating both our home, our yard, our bodies and our minds in the years to come.
Some of these goals include:
- Building a coop and raising chickens
- Turning those bare spots in our yard into a productive garden.
- Continuing to design and remodel our home.
- Eating healthy and naturally.
- More home cooked meals instead of eating out.
- Create or appreciate beauty everywhere.
My goal for this blog is to let it be an expression of these experiences and our adventures in making our home our castle! Also, food. Because food is awesome and, well, frankly I love it.
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